My current relationship is HARDER than the last…

My fiance and I had a great week in California bopping around to lots of places while finalizing some wedding details. The wedding is approximately 2 months away…yikes! We were there 7 nights total and slept in 5 different places: Newport Coast, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, Paso Robles, and finally Lido Isle. While there, we were lucky to spend wonderful time with lots of family and close friends.

One night as the sun was setting in Paso Robles and we were enjoying the last sips of our wine, I articulated something to some of Mark’s dear friends that I had never fully put together and it’s this: My current relationship (the one heading towards marriage!) is actually a LOT harder than my first marriage. It’s way more work and way more challenging than my first marriage. However, towards the end of my first marriage, I woke up every day wondering whether or not it was right for me. I swirled and agonized if that marriage fit me any longer, if it was in true alignment with who I am today…So while the day to day work of my current partnership is HARDER, I never wake up wondering if it is “right” or not. I no longer have the swirl of unease, wondering if I should be in the container of this relationship or not. It would be hard to calculate the difference this creates in terms of my daily peace, how I float through life, and how living in alignment with who I am today feels; no more swirl, no more unease.

Relationships and marriages can be very hard, but they need to be the right kind of hard. The daily peace that comes from knowing you are in the right one is unparalleled.

With love and light,



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