My Services

  • Contemplating the idea of leaving your marriage can be completely gut-wrenching. As someone who has been through this, I offer compassionate and empathetic support and guidance to individuals who are grappling with the difficult decision of whether to leave their marriages. Through personalized coaching sessions, I provide a safe space for exploring emotions, clarifying priorities, and evaluating the viability of the relationship. My goal is to empower you to make informed decisions aligned with your values, needs, and long-term happiness. To be clear, I am not pro-divorce, but I am pro-peace. The coaching work we will do together will tease out how to find peace for you either inside or outside of your marriage.

    Whether you're feeling uncertain, conflicted, or overwhelmed, my coaching process is designed to help you navigate this challenging juncture with clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.

  • Experience profound healing and renewal with our 3-Day Intensive, led by my fiance, Mark Howerton, a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and myself. This immersive program is designed for married couples facing significant challenges.

    Through personalized sessions, intensive counseling, and guided interventions, Mark and I will work closely with you to address core issues, rebuild trust, and strengthen your relationship. Gain practical tools, deepen your connection, and chart a path towards a healthier, more fulfilling partnership. We'll do 1-1 sessions separately, and then come together for 2-2 sessions as well.

    Whether you're seeking to resolve conflicts or reignite your relationship, this intensive offers a dedicated space for transformative growth and recovery. If you are in a moment of crisis and need a way out of the depths, this is for you.

  • For those who have begun the process or are in the midst of a Divorce, I provide comprehensive support throughout every piece of the divorce process, guiding individuals with empathy, expertise, and practical strategies to navigate the complexities of separation. Divorce, even those conducted amicably, can be a significant trauma in anyone's life. It is important to have emotional support outside of the legal support you receive from attorneys.

    When going through my own divorce, my therapist was helpful, but only to a point; she herself had never been divorced. Thus, she simply could not help me with so many thoughts, logistical questions, and nuances around divorce. I wanted (needed) a playbook and a coach who had been through it before, who could help me know what next step to take and how to care for myself throughout the process. My goal is to guide you through this difficult time, so that you can manage the emotional and logistical rollercoaster and come out on the other side stronger.

    My coaching program is tailored to address the unique needs and challenges of each client. My goal is to empower clients to make informed decisions, minimize conflict, and embrace the opportunity for personal growth and transformation during this challenging life transition. With my dedicated support, individuals can navigate their divorce journey with resilience, confidence, and a sense of empowerment. I will not only help you make it to the other side of your divorce, but I will help you believe in and envision a life even better than you can imagine on the other side of divorce.

  • Co-parenting can be extremely challenging to navigate in the beginning. My co-parenting coaching provides invaluable support, guidance, and tools to individuals working through the complexities of co-parenting post-divorce or separation. Effective co-parenting requires clear communication, mutual respect, and a focus on the best interests of the children involved (sometimes these aspects are not present and we can work through that).

    My coaching program is tailored to address the unique dynamics and challenges of each co-parenting relationship, offering strategies to manage conflict, establish boundaries, and cultivate a collaborative co-parenting environment. Whether you're facing challenges with scheduling, decision-making, or navigating new family dynamics, I will provide practical tools, emotional support, and personalized guidance to help you and your co-parent create a stable, nurturing environment for your children to thrive.

    With my support, you can navigate the co-parenting journey with confidence, resilience, and a shared commitment to the well-being of your family.

  • Dating after divorce can be quite scary, but also incredibly fun! I offer personalized support and guidance to individuals who are ready to start thinking about rediscovering love and companionship post-divorce.

    Navigating the dating world after a significant life transition can be daunting, but I will provide expert advice, practical tools, and emotional support every step of the way. Whether you're feeling hesitant, unsure of where to start, or struggling to overcome past relationship baggage, my coaching program is designed to help you build confidence, set healthy boundaries, and navigate the complexities of modern dating with resilience and authenticity.

    From crafting an appealing online dating profile (if you want to go that route) to navigating first dates and building meaningful connections, my goal is to empower you to embrace this new chapter of your life with optimism, self-assurance, and a renewed sense of possibility. It can get so, SO good! I will help you see, believe, and realize the reality of a romantic partnership wilder than your wildest dreams. As someone who met 2 people (one who is now my fiance!) from Instagram direct messaging, I am quite adept at this, and will help you call in and find your dream partner as well. One of the true upsides of a break up or divorce is getting to choose again...a partner who is magnetic and perfect for you at this stage of life.